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Feature Article
Strange New Worlds  Issue 11 - December 1993

In this issue:
We don't get no respect
History of Comics Industry
Elfquest, Indy Success Story
The Comics / SF Connection
Star Trek Comics
Comics by Star Trek Actors
Displaying your collectibles
Star Wars Models
Kids and the Fan Parent
Reviews : Alien Nation books
Review: History of SF Comics

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SNW Issue 12
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Issue 11 ã 1993 by Strange New Worlds. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior express written consent of the Publisher. All rights reserved. All materials are believed accurate, but we cannot assume responsibility for their accuracy or application. We do not endorse any products or services advertised in this publication.

STAR TREK TM & ã Paramount Pictures.

STAR WARS is a registered trademark of LucasFilms, Ltd. (LFL)

Science Fiction TV Fans:
We Don't Get No Respect

I recently read with great interest a newspaper article that featured the work of a talented modelmaker. The man in question painstakingly crafted a realistic miniature of Sherlock Holmes' London. He lavished years on this incredible diorama. The work was phenomenal, and the feature writer properly appreciated the effort and devotion that such a project required.

I confess to experiencing a twinge of jealousy about the praise heaped upon this man. I was jealous not for his personal achievement, but jealous of the respect accorded to his hobby by the media. If this modelmaker had invested the same time and effort into an exquisitely detailed Klingon landscape, the reporter would have told him to move out of his parents' basement and get a life.

There's no use complaining that certain people will always consider me a kook merely because I hang out with guys who wear pointy ears and bumpy noses. I love my hobby and should accept the social baggage associated with it. But I wonder at the sentiment of the general public and media that science fiction fans are goofy social misfits; and those Trekkies, they're the worst of all! How strange that this attitude persists despite half of all Americans professing to be Star Trek fans. Even prominent pillars of society like Microsoft's Bill Gates have publicly admitted to being Trekkers. The hallowed New York Times syndicates a Star Trek column. How much more respectable can you get?

Of course, we don't help the situation. Why do we insist on tacking silly labels on ourselves? Devotees of Home Improvement don't call themselves Homies; fans of Cheers aren't Cheeries. But to separate ourselves even further from the mundane world, we call ourselves Trekkers and Whovians and Leapers. Fans of the new science fiction shows have yet to develope cute nicknames. Are seaQuest DSV fans DSV'gers? Babylon 5 watchers Babies?

As media fans, we can even engender disdain among science fiction circles. At some literary science fiction gatherings,to mention Trek or, heaven forbid, the campy Lost In Space, earns you a pleasant smile and a polite, "No, dear, we actually read."

To paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, "We don't get no respect." But we derive a lot of fun from our other-worldly pursuits. Heck, who needs respect? I've got a functioning Battlestar Galactica pistol in the original box. Who could ask for anything more?

Jo Davidsmeyer


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